Transaction declined Venmo prepaid card “Solution”

Transaction declined Venmo prepaid card

The most common reasons why your transaction is declined are:

  • Your bank/card issuer is not allowing the transaction (outside of Venmo)
  • The transaction has triggered Venmo’s automated security flags.
  • Exhausted weekly or daily limits

If your bank or card issuer is declining the transaction, Venmo can’t see specifics about the decline.

You either have to reach out to your bank or card issuer directly to solve this.

You can also try using a different card or reach out to the customer support of Venmo if the problem is from their side.

Exhausted limits are something where no one can help you. You have to wait till next week to do the transaction. 

Also Check:- How to Increase Venmo Business Account Limit [$49,999.99]?

Venmo card not working at atm “Solution”

Transaction declined Venmo card (1)

Often when we try to use a Venmo card at an atm but it doesn’t work, which ultimately leads to declined transactions. 

It might be because of three reasons, and mind it, if you don’t know the problem, you can’t solve it. No one can help you. Following are the three reasons:

  • Exhausted limits

If you are a Venmo user, you know that it has set weekly and daily limits for verified and unverified accounts. You can’t do any transactions beyond those limits. So if you are facing a problem like this, check if you have exhausted your Venmo limits or not. 

If this is the reason behind your problem, then the only thing you can do is wait for the next week. 

  • Venmo is reviewing the card.

You may not be able to use the card at the atm if there is a problem with your card being reviewed by the Venmo app. 

If this is the problem, wait for two days and then try again later to make transactions.

  • Account suspended

If your Venmo account is suspended (it doesn’t matter what the reason is), you might not be able to use your card at the atm.

Contact the Venmo support team at [email protected] and ask if there is any possible solution to use your account funds again.

Also Check:- How to Send Amex to Venmo? Check Venmo Amex Sending Limit

Transaction declined Venmo credit card “Solution”

If your transaction Venmo credit card is declined, then, first of all, try to find the reason behind it. Some most common reasons are:

  • Exceeding weekly limit

Venmo has set a weekly limit on transactions, so your transaction can be declined if you have exceeded that limit.

It also has set per transaction limit, so look for that also. If you have a verified account and your transaction is declined, look for the limits. If you are exceeding, then no one can help you. You can’t transfer beyond that limit. You have to wait for next week as the limit Venmo has set is rolling. 

The solution for this is to wait till the next rolling limit if you have a verified account.

Have an unverified account? If yes, you can solve this problem by verifying your account with Venmo, as your limit will be exceeded after verification.

  • Account is temporarily frozen.

If the account is frozen, it becomes impossible to complete the payments, as we all know. So look if your account is frozen and if it is, then waits until Venmo allows you to make transactions again.

If you don’t know why your account is frozen, contact Venmo customer support, as they will help you get out of the situation. 

  • Don’t have enough funds.

If you don’t have enough funds, then it’s obvious that your transaction will be declined. First of all, to sort this problem, add the funds to your Venmo account and then make the transactions. 


Why is my debit card being declined when I have money in my account?

There can be many reasons why your debit card is declined even if you have money in your account like:

  • Expired card
  • Exhausted daily or weekly transaction limit
  • Incorrect PIN
  • incorrect information filled
  • Damaged card
  • Identification of Suspicious activity relating to your account
  • Technical glitches
  • Deactivation of the card by the joint account holder
  • Information is needed from you, etc.

If you face a declined transaction due to exhausted limits, no one can help you. You have to wait till the next rolling limit. But if you are facing issues because of any reason, you can contact the Venmo support team to assist you. 

Author Profile

Raj Singh
Raj Singh is a highly experienced digital marketer, SEO consultant, and content writer with over 8 years of experience in the industry.
As a content writer, Raj has a talent for crafting engaging and informative content that resonates with audiences. He has a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of SEO best practices.

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